By Sylvia Eastman

When seeking advice from others, people often hear, “What’s your gut telling you?” But most of the time, you can’t even tell yourself. They say to trust your gut but never explain what that instinct actually feels like.
When it’s time to make an important decision, the best option is to turn to your gut. However, identifying that feeling as instinct rather than anxiety, guilt, fear or any other gut-wrenching emotion can be difficult.
Talking to others about how you feel can be conflicting, too, because you don’t know whether the influence of their opinions is impacting your own thoughts too much. It’s as if you know what you need to do but then question that decision because of everyone else.
Instincts are inevitable, and you will never be able to get someone else to fully understand your perspective. Sometimes what you feel only makes sense to you. These instincts may go against conventional wisdom, forcing you to battle between what’s socially acceptable and what’s best for you.

Instincts are inevitable, and you will never be able to get someone else to fully understand where your perspective is coming from. Sometimes what you feel only makes sense to you. These instincts may go against conventional wisdom, so you have to fight the battle of what’s societally right versus what’s best for you.
If you have a strong feeling about something, don’t let outside opinions cause you to question it. It’s difficult to balance what everyone tells you with what you believe to be true. If you truly believe something should happen, make it happen regardless of what others say. If you feel in your bones that something or someone is meant to be in your life, fight for it and don’t let it go.
Most importantly, don’t overthink or rely too much on others’ advice—what’s meant for you will always present itself in divine timing. Even if it doesn’t make sense to a single other person, hold on to what feels right. Find what fuels your fire and keep it close to your heart.