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Winter Issue 2019

These days, thanks to the non-stop presence of social media updates, breaking-news pings and a whirlwind of push notifications, it's easy to get distracted. We're tempted by ceaseless urges to ignore the present and instead tend to the array of life's distractions–it can be all too easy to forget the beauty, the allure, the joie de vivre which surrounds us. With our winter issue, UP wanted to change that. We wanted to deliver an intricately beautiful and meaningful magazine that our readers–that's you!–would be truly beguiled by. Whether it's reading through the 15 stories that grace the pages or marveling at the beautiful photography and artful design, it's our goal for each and every one of you to be dazzled by this issue.


That's why we chose to crown Captivate as this year's winter theme. This issue's imagery, style and design emphasize how an elegant, romantically creative perspective can change your worldview and enchant your day–to–day life. The stories, photos, fashion and layouts seek to inspire you to think outside your screen and bring your dreams to life because although it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of likes, tweets and posts, looking at the world around you can offer just as many exciting curiosities.


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